martes, 23 de junio de 2015

My favourite movie

Good afternoon.
This time I will talk about my favorite movies.
The truth is very difficult to choose only one because I see many movies. I love the cinema.
I might have a favorite for each gender. But now I want to tell about “Ladri di biciclette”, it is an Italian film of 1948.
I like it because is very sad and realistic. It has good photograph. I like movies in black and white.
The first time I saw him was at age 17 and I cried.

I like the alternative cinema, namely, I don´t like popular movies. I hate the American cinema.
Anyway, I enjoy classic movies.
I prefer the Italian, French, Danish and Argentine films.
My favorite directors are Lars Von Trier and Gaspar Noé.
The last film I saw was “Au revoir les enfants”, French film of 1987.

Most of the time I read on film and talk to friends about it. The films are very important in my interests.


martes, 2 de junio de 2015

A photograph you like...

This picture is very important for me. It was taken in the summer of 2014.
I am here in the salar of San Pedro de Atacama with my friends.
The photograph was taken by tour guide.
This holiday was amazing. 
I love this picture because it reminds me that time.
The funny thing was that it was not planned. In fact, two of the girls were friends with my best friend. There we became friends.
Those days we enjoyed it the most. Everyday we went to different places for example: Géiseres of Tatio, Valley of the moon,Valley of Dead, Miscanti Lagoon, Hot springs, different villages, and so on.
I loved everything, the places, the scenery, the people, the food, all.
We take a thousand pictures, also we bought many things.

I hope a return one day. 
Without question, I recommnend this wonderful travel place.

Greetings to all!

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

4: My favorite music

The music is very important in the lives of all people and Is not exception in my case.
Since I was a child I was very independent in liking because I don´t have brothers and I have been very lonely.
The first favorite groups were Blink 182 and Korn being that my classmates were listening.
Later, in the adolescence I found the music that is my really favorite: the punk.
Until now, I love La Polla Records, Flema, 2 minutos, EUKZ, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys and The Clash.
In those years I started going to concerts. I have seen my groups many times. I don´t lose.
The concerts are my great hobbie.
The last was "Punk rock festival" in April, 19. That was genial.
Tomorrow, I will go to "Punk rock attack", come many goods bands.
Also, I have seen other style of music as for example: Morrissey, Soda Stereo, Ennio Morricone, Fantômas, Primus, Thurston More, among others.

Before long, I have planned go to 2 minutos in June, Boom Boom Kid in June too and Pearl Jam in November.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favourite piece of technology

This week I will talk about my technological object I like.
Actually I'm not fond of technology because I think people are idiots distracting.

I loved my camera before but now have no use.
When I studied arts, the camera was a must for me.
Whenever you walk with him.
I have 3 cameras. My favorite is the analog because I think the process is very Interensting. By contrast, the digital camera is too brief.
I retake photos.

I realized that I prefer my notebook is more useful.
I can read and watch movies, listen to music too.
My computer is old. I have since 2011.
Good thing is very light, then it is easy to transport.
Although we have a love-hate relationship I can say that I love.

If you do not have the notebook I get bored a lot.
I hope it lasts a long time since you do not want to spend money on another.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Expectation for a new semester.

Hello, today I will talk about my new semester in the university.
I have different subjetcs such as Administrative Law, Theory of Science, Administrative Theory and Applied Statistic.
I don´t have extracurriculars activities now.
Before, I liked the humanistics subjets but this semester are boring.
Really, I dislike come to the classes. I would like to stay in my house with my dogs.
Always, if I have time, I walk around the city.
I love the cinema. Usually, I see movies in my home or with my friends.
The last I saw was "Dead man". I like it because was in black and white.

My expectations for this academic year are basically approve all the subjetcs and have free time for me.


Post I: My Auto Biography:

Hi, I am Catalina.
I am 24 years old. I am a student of Public Administration in University of Chile.
In the past, I studied Bachelor in Arts, also in University of Chile.
I live in Santiago with my mother and dogs. My mother is teacher, her name is Mireya.
My dogs are Frutilla and Liliana.
I am vegetarian because I love the animals.

I like the photography, philosophy and arts.
I love go to the concerts.
I listen punk, brit pop, indie rock and alternative music.

Goodbye, blue sky!