jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Expectation for a new semester.

Hello, today I will talk about my new semester in the university.
I have different subjetcs such as Administrative Law, Theory of Science, Administrative Theory and Applied Statistic.
I don´t have extracurriculars activities now.
Before, I liked the humanistics subjets but this semester are boring.
Really, I dislike come to the classes. I would like to stay in my house with my dogs.
Always, if I have time, I walk around the city.
I love the cinema. Usually, I see movies in my home or with my friends.
The last I saw was "Dead man". I like it because was in black and white.

My expectations for this academic year are basically approve all the subjetcs and have free time for me.


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cata!
    Is so cute yor background.
    I'm agree with you, this semester the humanistics subjects are so boring.
    The cinema is the best! I don´t see that film, what is about?.
    Take care yourself.
    Good Bye~

  2. I feel very identified with your new post, Because I also feel that instead of going to class one can do more interesting and even productive things. Sometimes classes are not advancing and teachers are turned into the same. There are also certain things that, at least I, I find no use. Perhaps when one is titled will find the sense (I have faith).
    See you later, Cata Dota!

  3. oh! I also love spending time with my dogs instead of coming to college and I hate that sometimes tests cant take a walk, I dont like to be locked in the yard. One of the best things in life is to see them run free in the park <3
