viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

4: My favorite music

The music is very important in the lives of all people and Is not exception in my case.
Since I was a child I was very independent in liking because I don´t have brothers and I have been very lonely.
The first favorite groups were Blink 182 and Korn being that my classmates were listening.
Later, in the adolescence I found the music that is my really favorite: the punk.
Until now, I love La Polla Records, Flema, 2 minutos, EUKZ, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys and The Clash.
In those years I started going to concerts. I have seen my groups many times. I don´t lose.
The concerts are my great hobbie.
The last was "Punk rock festival" in April, 19. That was genial.
Tomorrow, I will go to "Punk rock attack", come many goods bands.
Also, I have seen other style of music as for example: Morrissey, Soda Stereo, Ennio Morricone, Fantômas, Primus, Thurston More, among others.

Before long, I have planned go to 2 minutos in June, Boom Boom Kid in June too and Pearl Jam in November.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favourite piece of technology

This week I will talk about my technological object I like.
Actually I'm not fond of technology because I think people are idiots distracting.

I loved my camera before but now have no use.
When I studied arts, the camera was a must for me.
Whenever you walk with him.
I have 3 cameras. My favorite is the analog because I think the process is very Interensting. By contrast, the digital camera is too brief.
I retake photos.

I realized that I prefer my notebook is more useful.
I can read and watch movies, listen to music too.
My computer is old. I have since 2011.
Good thing is very light, then it is easy to transport.
Although we have a love-hate relationship I can say that I love.

If you do not have the notebook I get bored a lot.
I hope it lasts a long time since you do not want to spend money on another.