jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Expectation for a new semester.

Hello, today I will talk about my new semester in the university.
I have different subjetcs such as Administrative Law, Theory of Science, Administrative Theory and Applied Statistic.
I don´t have extracurriculars activities now.
Before, I liked the humanistics subjets but this semester are boring.
Really, I dislike come to the classes. I would like to stay in my house with my dogs.
Always, if I have time, I walk around the city.
I love the cinema. Usually, I see movies in my home or with my friends.
The last I saw was "Dead man". I like it because was in black and white.

My expectations for this academic year are basically approve all the subjetcs and have free time for me.


Post I: My Auto Biography:

Hi, I am Catalina.
I am 24 years old. I am a student of Public Administration in University of Chile.
In the past, I studied Bachelor in Arts, also in University of Chile.
I live in Santiago with my mother and dogs. My mother is teacher, her name is Mireya.
My dogs are Frutilla and Liliana.
I am vegetarian because I love the animals.

I like the photography, philosophy and arts.
I love go to the concerts.
I listen punk, brit pop, indie rock and alternative music.

Goodbye, blue sky!